The Case for Human-Created PR Content and Why AI Falls Short

Sabine Raabe
3 min readMay 20, 2024


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has permeated most industries, revolutionising how businesses operate. Public relations (PR) is no exception, with AI tools being plugged for their ability to generate content quickly and efficiently. However, while the use of AI-generated PR content is tempting, there are compelling reasons to favour human-created content. This article explores why relying on AI for PR is not the best choice and highlights the distinct advantages of human-crafted communications.

Authenticity and Emotional Intelligence

One of the primary reasons to steer clear of AI-generated PR content is the inherent lack of authenticity and emotional depth. PR is not just about disseminating information; it’s about building relationships and trust. Human writers possess the emotional intelligence necessary to craft messages that resonate on a deeper level, tapping into the audience’s emotions and values. AI, despite its advancements, still struggles to replicate the nuanced understanding of human emotions and cultural contexts.

Understanding Nuance and Context

PR practitioners excel in understanding and interpreting the subtleties and complexities of context. Every piece of content must be tailored to fit the specific nuances of the situation, including the cultural, social, and political climate. AI, while capable of processing large amounts of data, often fails to grasp these nuances fully. This can lead to tone-deaf or inappropriate messaging that may harm a brand’s reputation.

Creative and Strategic Thinking

Effective PR requires not just the execution of tasks but strategic and creative thinking. Humans bring creativity, intuition, and innovative ideas to the table, qualities that AI currently lacks. Crafting a compelling narrative or a unique campaign strategy is an art that relies heavily on human creativity and strategic insight. AI can assist by providing data and analysis, but it cannot replace the human touch in developing original and impactful PR campaigns.

Ethical Considerations

There are ethical implications associated with AI-generated content. Issues such as bias in AI algorithms and the potential for misinformation are significant concerns. Human writers are better equipped to ensure ethical standards are met, fact-checking and cross-referencing information to maintain credibility and integrity. Transparency and trust are paramount, hence human oversight is crucial in producing ethical and reliable PR content.

Personalised and Relatable Communication

Personalisation is key to effective communication. PR practitioners can craft personalised messages that cater to specific audiences, fostering a sense of connection and relatability. AI, on the other hand, often produces generic content that may lack the personal touch needed to engage the audience effectively. Humans can draw on personal experiences, anecdotes, and storytelling techniques that make content more engaging and relatable.

Crisis Management and Adaptability

In times of crisis, swift and sensitive communication is critical. Human PR experts are adept at reading the room, assessing the situation in real-time, and crafting appropriate responses. They can adapt quickly to changing circumstances and provide the necessary human empathy and understanding. AI, with its reliance on pre-programmed responses and historical data, may not be as effective in dynamic and sensitive situations where real-time judgment and adaptability are required.

The Benefits of Human-Produced Content

While AI can undoubtedly assist with certain aspects of PR, such as data analysis and content distribution, the benefits of human-produced content are clear:

· Authentic Engagement: Human-created content fosters genuine connections with the audience, building trust and loyalty.

· Cultural Relevance: Humans are adept at understanding and incorporating cultural and social nuances into their content.

· Creative Excellence: The creativity and originality that human writers bring to PR campaigns are unmatched by AI.

· Ethical Integrity: Human oversight ensures that content is ethically sound and credible.

· Personal Touch: Personalised, relatable communication strengthens audience engagement.

· Effective Crisis Management: Human adaptability and empathy are crucial in managing PR crises effectively.

While AI has its place in PR, it should complement, not replace, human creativity and insight. The best PR strategies leverage the strengths of both AI and human intelligence, ensuring content is both data-driven and deeply human. By valuing the unique qualities that human PR practitioners bring to the table, businesses can create more meaningful and impactful communications that truly resonate with their audiences.



Sabine Raabe

I help leaders craft their stories to #communicate and connect better. Think thought leadership, professional branding and reputation management.