Running a Global PR Campaign
Undertaking a global PR campaign can represent a major challenge fraught with risk, cost and cultural challenges. While you might feel weary about the idea of spending extra money to export your brand abroad, it could potentially reap big rewards. Winning over global customers opens up new income streams and the return on investment in terms of leads and sales will speak for itself.
A global PR campaign need not be a leap of faith if you’ve planned the programme well. Here are a few tips:
Multi versus single agency
It is important to make a decision on whether you want to appoint a single agency to cover the entire international remit or appoint individual agencies in each territory. Each strategy has its advantage and of course, appointing an agency in each territory is clearly the most expensive solution. A more cost-effective solution is to find an agency that can manage PR centrally from one location.
The right time zone for global public relations
When choosing to undertake an international PR campaign it is important to work with a partner who has a commercially advantageous time zone. We have worked with clients in the US, Australia, Europe, Latin America, India and China and we can service all these clients at some point during the working day through our international network.
The impact of digital media on international PR
Now more than ever media organisations are global. The Daily Mail is one of the world’s most read news sources, the Guardian moved to a .com domain to appear more international and likewise, some of the larger US and European titles are publishing international versions online. Some previously foreign language titles are now publishing in English and vice versa. So there has never been a better time to target international media. It has never been easier thanks to email, social media and Google bringing the world together.
Take the time to research
Look to your competitors. Which markets are they active in? There’s probably a reason they have dedicated marketing and press support aimed at the area — find out why. By determining potential opportunities before devoting valuable time and resources, PR and communications can be tailored accordingly.
Read the local press
Whether it’s B2B or B2C, understanding the local press can provide an insight into the market and topical points of discussion. Look for regular features on certain topics and call the editor to see if and what he already knows about the brand. Are there enough relevant publications to make it worth your effort? Many of the key publications are also online but it might be surprising to find that some countries still lag behind in terms of online presence.
Do I need to speak the language?
While it’s often seen as the universal language of business, English is not universally understood. It would be presumptuous to develop a pan-European campaign, for example, without first translating the materials into the local language. This rings true across all marketing and PR platforms. Consider a language microsite with keywords that are specific to the area and regional search engine (note: not all countries use Google as their number one search engine).
It is important to understand the way information and news is disseminated and consumed. There are areas within PR, such as interviews and press conferences, where the spoken word is more important than the written one.
European, particularly German and also American communication styles can best be described as “explicit”, meaning that messages are conveyed solely through words. They tend to “say it how it is”, being unconcerned about things like face, honour, politeness and the personal relationship. Correlating background information is deemed necessary and divulged, ambiguity is avoided, and spoken words have literal meaning. However, in many Asian and Middle Eastern cultures communication is considered “implied”. The message people consume will be based on who is speaking, the context, images and non-verbal cues, such as body language and intonation. Listeners are expected to use their imagination, and read between the lines.
Prior to using any marketing collateral/materials in PR campaigns abroad, such as logos, slogans, pictures and colours, you need to once again ensure that they are designed to appeal and will be perceived appropriately by in country people. If not, it will 100% come back to haunt you!